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Transform how your organization communicates with their employees

InfoBox is a targeted content delivery platform that streamlines and enhances how organizations communicate with their employees.
MacBook mockup

Targeted Content,
Engaged Employees

Empower your organization with a powerful content delivery platform. Use InfoBox to strengthen your internal communications, ensuring your employees are informed, engaged, and aligned with your company's goals

Increase employee engagement

Create easy-to-digest, visually appealing content to keep your employees informed, allowing authorized users to share knowledge more easily.

Simplify content creation

This code-free interface with pre-built elements empowers users to create high-quality content, even without design or coding expertise.

Improve internal communication

Targeted delivery ensures employees receive only relevant information, eliminating information overload, wasted time, and outdated intranets.

Optimize content management

Our scalable solution adapts to large organizations and high content volumes, meeting the evolving needs of your organization.

Leverage ToogleBox features

Use other ToogleBox functionalities, such as dynamic groups, to segment users and enhance InfoBox's targeted delivery capabilities.

Reduce costs

InfoBox can potentially reduce costs associated with traditional communication methods, such as intranets, company newsletters, or mass emails.

What are some use cases of InfoBox?

Targeted departmental announcements & knowledge base

Deliver clear, visual, department-specific updates that don't get buried in email inboxes, while keeping your employees up-to-date with all the documentation they need for their role.

Company Resource Center

Create a centralized knowledge repository to search for company policies, FAQs, announcements, and other resources that would otherwise be scattered across different platforms.

Shared important dates & reminders

Never miss a birthday, anniversary, new hire, or important company milestone, with a unified tool where Human Resources and team leaders can share important dates.

Company culture promotion

Feature employee achievements and hobbies to foster a sense of commitment. Promote healthy habits or wellness programs available to employees.

Centralized hub for daily operational updates

Communicate essential day-to-day information, such as daily lunch menus, meeting room reservations and after-work activity schedule, in a timely and efficient manner.

Components of InfoBox

InfoBox Web

Content Creation & Publishing

Editors and publishers can create, manage, and publish content efficiently. You can access InfoBox clicking the icon in the ToogleBox homepage.
Gmail Add-On & Mobile App

Content Delivery & Visualization

End users (viewers) can visualize the content that has been published for them by clicking on the add-on in left side menu in the Gmail interface.
iOS and Android app coming soon!

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