February 22, 2021
Customer Testimonials

TSTT archives more than one thousand accounts with ArkiveBox

Our top priority has always been listening to our customers. Every ToogleBox functionality comes from a specific customer requirement. This successful communication is enhanced when receiving positive feedback regarding our customer service.

Our top priority has always been listening to our customers. Every ToogleBox functionality comes from a specific customer requirement. This successful communication is enhanced when receiving positive feedback regarding our customer service.

In the words of Satisha Sonny:

“I would like to give a hearty thank you to you and your team for the effort and support in achieving this deliverable.”

Satisha works at Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago, one of our customers who bought ArkiveBox.

ArkiveBox is a simple and low-cost archiving option for Google Workspace accounts. It allows storing information from Gmail accounts into Google Cloud Storage. Once archived, you can download the account information as an MBox with metadata or reinstate it into another Google Workspace account.

Use ArkiveBox and keep your Google Workspace archived email accounts safe for future use.